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SEO-search engine optimization

Increase your visibility on web directory

Display your content on the top of a web directory with Search Engine Optimization-- take a step forward in the process of improving your website's visibility in search engines such as Google, Microsoft Binge and other platforms. The SEO generating process helps in increasing the visibility of your website by posting relevant content, videos, graphics and pictures.

SEO is one of the major marketing components that if introduced wisely to your content can enable you to increase huge traffic on your website. One of the most important tools for building a successful business strategy is to make sure how to be visible on the top of the search engine. Any product, brand or service that you are representing will only be successful if it makes its way in the search engine by emerging on the top.

The better visibility you have on the search engine the more likely your website is to be clicked by the users. In digital marketing it is very important to make your website visible by increasing the relevant content on your web page. Traditional SEO generating tools such as publishing e-books, content, video blogging, newsletters can contribute to your rank and somehow increase it. But, is just publishing content enough to appear on the search engine?

At Mojowix, we use the latest technology and tools that can increase your visibility on the search engine in a short span of time. SEO is a major contributing factor in digital marketing that can increase the reputation of your overall brand, provide a good rank and make you visible on top of the search engine. Mojowix IT experts use the latest technology and algorithms that result in transforming your website and provide a better infrastructure.

GOOGLE SEO : Increasing your visibility on Google requires expertise in Google SEO management. At Mojowix, our IT experts are professional and experienced in using various tools and latest SEO algorithms that result in ranking your website on the top of the search engine. Google constantly changes its ranking algorithm because of which we use the latest available tools that deliver the best results.

BING SEO : Bing's ranking algorithm is dynamic, the ranking algorithm is a machine learning model and is evolving constantly. If you are not Binging SEO, then you are giving an opportunity to your competitors to take a step ahead and outperform you. At Mojowix, we make sure that you are on the top of the search engine result page by employing the latest upgraded practices that increase traffic on your website.

LOCAL SEO : With our service of local SEO, you can be easily relocated on map listing SEO such as Google Maps, YAHOO! Local and Binge Places. More than 90% of users search for Businesses on Local SEO to find them on maps. Therefore, it becomes an important component of digital marketing to rank yourself on mapping SEO's. At Mojowix, we use the latest upgraded tools that crack the algorithm and lets you rank higher.

ON-PAGE SEO : On-page SEO is a process of optimizing parts of your web-page to rank higher in search engine results. On-page SEO is one of the main components of SEO generating for your business by promoting on-page content, internal links and title tags. Mojowix experts work together to generate on-page or site SEO for your business by generating codes, building internal links, using keywords etc.

OFF-PAGE SEO : Off-page SEO primarily covers everything that can be optimized for your web-page or site. It does not contribute to generating URL's or internal links but focuses on link building, images, videos, social media and local SEO as well. Mojowix experts are fluent in generating both, on-page SEO and building a solid off-page SEO for your business.

KEY-WORD SEARCH : Key-word search is like playing a psychological game with the AI itself, identifying the right keywords are important for generating SEO because it enables us to understand what the potential customers are searching for and what the search engine is showing them. Mojowix uses the latest and most searched keywords and places them on your website so that it appears on the top every time a user searches for those keywords.

CONTENT MARKETING : Promoting high-quality content sets your marketing standards, content is the core setting of your search engine strategy. If your content is relevant with optimum key-words then the AI of the search engine will automatically recognize your content and rank it higher in the search engine result page. Mojowix uses the best quality content and latest tools to promote your brand.

TECHNICAL SEO : Technical SEO optimizes website for search engines by including the technical activities that are meant to improve the user experience. Our specialist makes sure that the website of our clients is correctly indexed with no technical error. Technical SEO can be improved by increasing user friendly engagement, submitting SiteMap to Google, maintaining website speed and building a boundless platform user eligibility.


Mojowix is the best IT development company that works together in coordination with their team to customize and plan the needs and requirements of our clients. We are a team of professional IT experts that deliver the services at the most affordable rates. We aim to deliver the changes that transform the way you run your business. Our experts use the latest, upgraded algorithms to transform the change that can make your business flourish in the digital marketing domain.

SEO plays the dominant rule in digital marketing therefore, hiring MOJOWIX can help you upgrade your business on the top of the search engine result page. We build future proof solutions that make your website secure and boost SEO marketing. Our effective SEO generating tools and tactics can change the whole future of your business profile.

Our in depth-reporting shows the transparency that include all time access to client portal, Google Analytic reports and a complete overview of your site's SEO performance.


We provide full security with an end-to-end encrypted database for the secure and risk free engagement with your clients. Our technology and trends are fully secure and result in comprehensive client satisfaction that exceeds their expectations.
